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Family Engagers

Gillian Morgan.jpg
Sarah Roderick.png

Working with Parents and the wider community is central to our work in Cadoxton. We know that it takes a Village to raise a child, the Cadoxton Village is a special one.


All staff and governors understand the importance of this and we are always looking to extend great working relationships.


To support parents with learning, volunteering and to provide support we have our Family Engagers, Gill Morgan and Sarah Roderick. 



Contact details:


Gill Morgan​


Sarah Roderick


AFA Case Study


Breakfast Club Case Study


Cadog's Corner Case Study


Family & Community Engagement Case Study


FAST Case Study


Intergenerational Project


Parental Engagement Case Study


Parental Learning Case Study


Real Junk Food Cafe Case Study


Relationships Case Study


Service Case Study


SHEP Case Study


Time Credits and Credit Union


The Garden Case Study


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