Curriculum | cadoxtonprimary
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The Cadoxton Way!

Ambitious Capable Learner

•Set themselves high standards and seek and enjoy challenge

•Build up a body of knowledge and have the skills to connect and apply that knowledge in different contexts

•Question and enjoy solving problems

•Communicate effectively in different forms and settings, using both Welsh and English

•Explain the ideas and concepts they are learning about

•Use number effectively in different contexts

•Understand how to interpret data and apply mathematical concepts

•Use digital technologies creatively to communicate, and and analyse information

•Undertake research and evaluate critically what they find

This is me as a person!

Healthy Confident Individual

•Have secure values and are establishing their spiritual and ethical beliefs

•Build their mental and emotional well-being by developing confidence, resilience and empathy

•Apply knowledge about the impact of diet and exercise on physical and mental health in their daily lives

•Know how to find the information and support to keep safe and well

•Take part in physical activity

•Take measured decisions about lifestyle and manage risk

•Have the confidence to participate in performance

•Form positive relationships based upon trust and mutual respect

•Face and overcome challenge

•Have the skills and knowledge to manage everyday life as independently as they can

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Ethical, Informed Citizen

•Find, evaluate and use evidence in forming views

•Engage with contemporary issues based upon their knowledge and values

•Understand and exercise their human and democratic responsibilities and rights

•Understand and consider the impact of their actions when making choices and acting

•Are knowledgeable about their culture, community, society and the world, now and in the past

•Respect the needs and rights of others, as a member of a diverse society

•Show their commitment to the sustainability of the planet

Enterprising, Creative Contributor

•Connect and apply their knowledge and skills to create ideas and products

•Think creatively to reframe and solve problems

•Identify and grasp opportunities

•Take measured risks

•Lead and play different roles in teams effectively and responsibly

•Express ideas and emotions through different media

•Give of their energy and skills so that other people will benefit

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Planning and Organising

How the ideas are implemented

Set goals


Time management

Monitor and reflect on results


Check for accuracy

Responsibility and reliability

Manage resources

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I can be persistent

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Analyse and understand

Ask questions

Evaluate information and situations

Be objective looking at opposite views

(strengths and weaknesses)


Challenge perceptions

Identify potential solutions

Justify decisions

Identify and develop arguments

Personal Effectiveness


Confidence and self-esteem

Emotional intelligence

Evaluate own learning/strengths

and areas for development



Social and cultural awareness, ethics

I am able to take risks

I can learn from my mistakes

I am able to be resilience 

I can work collaboratively

I am able to express my opinions

Creativity and Innovation

Able to generate ideas

Develop curiosity and inquisitiveness

Demonstrate courage to explore and develop ideas

Ability to turn ideas into action

Plan and manage projects

Identify opportunities

Act upon opportunities and ideas and transform them into value – the  value can be financial, cultural or social

I can be adaptable





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