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Continuous Learning 

Here is Cadoxton Primary's Continuous Learning Plan for SELF - ISOLATION. This is in the event that your child has to self-isolate. This would be when a person in they have been in close contact with has been diagnosed coronavirus or has coronavirus symptoms but is currently awaiting a test result.

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Here is Cadoxton Primary's Continuous Learning Plan for year group isolation. It outlines our plan in the event that a year group has to self-isolate and what the continuous learning offer will be to ensure that your children maintain their learning experiences during their period of isolation. It gives our commitment as a school, your commitment as parents/carers and your child's commitment.

CPS Whole Class Continuous Learning Plan
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A young persons guide to staying home during COVID-19

Cardiff & Vale UHB: Child Health Psychology - Guide to staying at home.


This document includes a list of useful websites, YouTube channels and apps. Along with 100+ activities to do indoors.

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